Frequently Asked Questions - F-1 国际学生
- 所有新的国际学生必须打印出申请表格,并根据清单将所需文件提交到他们希望参加的校园. To review the application requirements, click 在这里.
Once I apply, how long before I hear from 英国最大赌博365网站?
- 一旦你提交了申请, 你应该会在几天内收到一封来自国际学生服务办公室的电子邮件,告诉你我们收到了你的申请. 如果一切就绪,将在两到三周内作出决定.
- Official documents must be issued directly from the authorizing institution, 比如银行, 学校或考试机构. 可接受官方/认证副本. This means a photocopy of the original has been made, then stamped/signed/sealed by an official, 例如公证人或地方法官. 所有官方文件都必须加盖公章, 在授权机构的正式信纸上盖章或打印. Photocopies and scans cannot be accepted if they are not copied by an official.
Can I send a scanned application or bank documents by email?
- You may email your application documents to the campus you wish to attend, however all bank documents must be original, on bank letterhead and sent by mail or dropped off in person at the campus. We do not accept scanned and emailed bank documents.
How can I check the status of my application?
- If you have questions about your application, 请发电子邮件给你申请的学校的国际学生服务协调员.
- 申请过程所需的财务文件包括财务支持表格, which must be completed by you and all sponsors financially supporting you, and an official and original bank statement on letterhead. 您必须为每个被列为担保人的人提交最近的正式银行对账单或银行抬头信件(翻译成英文). 支票、储蓄或其他“流动”账户的存款总额必须达到29,539美元. 银行对账单必须是在你希望参加的学期开始的六个月内. Bank statements are accepted in all currencies, but must be written in or officially translated into English. We do not accept scanned and emailed bank documents.
Do I need to take the TOEFL, IELTS or SAT test?
- We require only one of these tests be submitted during the application process. 英国最大赌博365网站要求所有入学学生提供英语水平证明,作为我们入学标准的一部分. 我们被要求这样做是为了符合联邦法规,因为我们不是语言学院, 而是授予学位的机构. Full-time ESL studies is an option for F-1 students to start with, 但我们必须有语言能力的证明,从我们授权的测试之一,从下面的列表. 达到英语语言能力要求分数的学生可以被学术研究学院录取,以I-20为其申报的专业学习. 持有I-20学术研究签证的学生最多可获批36个月.
- TOEFL (iBT, online test): 79 (no sub-score can be lower than 18)* or above
- TOEFL (computer-based test): 213* or above
- 托福(笔试):550*或以上
- 雅思(学术考试):6分.0*或以上
- ACT: 18或以上(阅读)*
- SAT: 480或以上(阅读)*
- 英国最大赌博365网站 placement exam (If currently in U.S.) -安置在ENG-1010
- 从经认可的美国大学英语学校获得C或更高等级的大学英语学分.S. 大专院校*
TOEFL /IELTS scores are only valid for two years.
*成功完成美国认可学院的少于15个学分的大学水平课程, including the equivalent of ENG-1010 and 1020, 可能需要分班考试, 托福或雅思考试.
- 托福(电脑、笔试或在线):最低16分(分数线不得低于4分)
- IELTS (academic test only): Minimum score of 4.0
我在我国的高等教育机构获得了高级学位. 英国最大赌博365网站是否接受我的外国证书,以便我可以获得转学分?
- Yes, however, we must receive an evaluation report. Students who have completed college-level coursework outside the U.S. 他们的成绩单必须由以下列出的成绩单评估机构评估吗. 必须提出申请 目录匹配报告 for courses to be eligible for review by the College. The cost of the evaluation is the responsibility of the student. 评估应直接发送到英国最大赌博365网站注册办公室,地址如下.
P.O. 5966箱
克利夫兰,OH 44101
How can I check the status of my application?
- If you have questions about your application, 请发电子邮件给你申请的学校的国际学生服务协调员.
Do I have to declare a major or a program of study?
- You must select a major on your application; however, it is possible to change your selection at a later time.
Can I just study English as a Second Language?
- 英国最大赌博365网站 is not a language school. 学生必须向学校提出申请,然后根据他们的成绩被安排参加ESL课程(如果需要的话).
What is the cost to study at 英国最大赌博365网站?
- The estimated cost for tuition and fees is about $7,189 per academic year; however, students are required to show at least $29,539在他们的财务文件.
Is financial aid (FAFSA) available to F-1 visa holders?
- No. 国际学生没有资格获得州或联邦财政援助计划.
Are t在这里 scholarships available to F-1 visa holders?
- 请查看奖学金网站 在这里, to find out which scholarships you may qualify for. F-1签证持有人不允许申请任何由本地资助的奖学金, 州或联邦基金.
- F-1学生每学期必须注册并完成至少12个学分, of which 9 credits must be seated in a classroom on campus, at 英国最大赌博365网站 in order to maintain their F-1 visa status. F-1 visa holders are not permitted to take 8-week or 12-week courses.
- At least 9 of your 12 credits must be taken as in-person, face-to-face courses seated in a classroom on campus. You are permitted to take 1 online course equivalent to 3 credits.
After I register for classes, how soon do I need to pay my tuition bill?
- Tuition payment is due at the time of class registration. If payment is not made, your classes will be dropped.
Do I have to take all my courses at one campus?
- 不,你可以在任何英国最大赌博365网站上课.
- While you hold F-1 visa status, you are only allowed to work on campus. 在上课期间,你每周的工作时间不能超过20小时. 任何其他的工作都被认为是未经授权的,并且违反了你的签证状态.
What is the deadline for submitting an application?
- Please see the application page for international students for the exact dates 在这里.
- 在你被学院录取并收到学院的I-20表格后, you must apply for your nonimmigrant student (F-1) visa at the U.S. 离你家最近的大使馆或领事馆. 您必须携带必要的证明文件到您的签证预约, including your College acceptance letter, 支付SEVIS费用的证明, 护照, your I-20 Form and appropriate financial documentation. 所需文件视国家而定,因此建议您向美国移民局查询.S. consulate or embassy to determine what you need before your appointment.
- 你必须提交在 状态变更清单 to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. 政府可能需要4到6个月的时间才能做出决定. If you have a B-1/B-2 tourist visa and are changing your status, you cannot begin classes or study until your case is adjudicated. 访问在国家的网站学习有关更改身份程序的更多说明 在这里.
- 秋季学期从8月开始, 气温可能在70-90华氏度(21-32摄氏度)之间。. 十一月和十二月, 气温可降至华氏17-40度(摄氏零下8-4度),通常伴有降雨, 冰雪. These temperatures sometimes last until March. As springtime approaches in March and April, 气温开始再次上升到45-60华氏度(7-15摄氏度),并持续整个春季学期. Cleveland experiences all four seasons of weather.